A Study on the Relationship Between Subjective Career Barriers and Personality Traits in College Students


  • Xin Guan Changchun Humanities and Sciences College, Changchun 130117, Jilin, China
  • Seungjin Lee Graduate School of Education, Sehan University, 58447 Yeongam-gun, Jeollanam-do, South Korea




College students, Subjective career barriers, Personality traits, Relationship


Personality traits have a profound impact on the life development of college students, including significant effects on their employment prospects. Based on this, this study employs methods such as questionnaire surveys, using 500 current college students as research subjects, to investigate and analyze the relationship between subjective career barriers and personality traits among college students. The results show that in the comparison of subjective career barrier scores between male and female students, female students scored higher than male students in the dimension of family attitude. In the comparison of subjective career barrier scores between students from different family regions, it was found that rural students scored higher than urban students in the dimensions of family background and family attitude, with differences being statistically significant (P<0.05). In the comparison of the Big Five personality traits scores between male and female students, female students scored higher than male students in the neuroticism dimension. Among students from different family regions, rural students scored higher than urban students in the neuroticism dimension, with differences being statistically significant (P<0.05). From this, it can be concluded that the neuroticism variable is a significant variable that enters the regression equation, indicating that among the Big Five personality traits, neuroticism is closely related to subjective career barriers in college students.


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How to Cite

Guan, X., & Lee, S. (2024). A Study on the Relationship Between Subjective Career Barriers and Personality Traits in College Students . Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(6), 115–118. https://doi.org/10.53469/jerp.2024.06(06).25