The Impact of Digital Literacy on the Creativity of Art Major University Students


  • Qiuling Wang Zheiiang Gongshang University Hangzhou College of Commerce
  • Seungjin Lee Graduate School of Education, Sehan University, 58447 Yeongam gun, Jeollanam do, South Korea



Digital literacy, Creativity, Fine arts students, Inspiration, Knowledge


This paper discusses the influence of digital literacy on the creativity of college students majoring in the fine arts. In the context of the rapid development of information technology, digital literacy has become an important part of artistic creation. An analysis of the impact of access to information and digital technology on the creative process reveals that rich knowledge reserves and access to information can stimulate inspiration and promote artistic creativity. Moreover, the use of digital tools provides creators with broader creative space and flexibility, thus enhancing their creativity. The paper also highlights the shortcomings of digital literacy education in colleges and universities and proposes suggestions for improvement, including updating the curriculum, improving equipment and strengthening teacher training, to better support the enhancement of digital art creation and the creativity of fine arts students.


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E Sugiarto, J Julia, R A Pratiwinindya, N S Prameswari, R Nugrahani, W Wibawanto, M Febriani. Virtual gallery as a media to simulate painting appreciation in art learning[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019.

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Liu Zhijuan. Research on the creation of "Digital printmaking" combining digital technology and printmaking [D]. Shanxi University.2015.5.

Jiang Lixin. Research on the effective Integration of Information Technology and Art Classroom: Based on the perspective of Artistic Core Literacy [J]. Art Domain.2024.4.

Xiao Leqi. The Application and Innovation of Oil Painting in the Digital Art Environment [J]. Beauty and Times (Middle). 2024 (04).

Guilford, J. P. (1956). The structure of intellect. Psychological Bulletin, 53(4), 267–293.

Mark A. Runco & Garrett J. Jaeger. The Standard Definition of Creativity [J]. Creativity Research Journal. 2012.

JC Kaufman, RJ Sternberg. The Cambridge handbook of creativity[M]. Cambridge University Press. 2010.

Plucker, J. A. (1998). Beware of simple conclusions: The case for the content generality of creativity. Creativity Research Journal. 11, 179-182.

Baer, J. (1998). The case for domain specificity of creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 11 (2), 173-177.

Weisberg, R. W. (2006). Modes of Expertise in Creative Thinking: Evidence from Case Studies. In K. A. Ericsson, N. Charness, P. J. Feltovich, & R. R. Hoffman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance (pp. 761-787). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Sternberg R J, Lubart T I. Investing in creativity. American Psychologist,1996,51:677-688.

Feist, G. J. (1999). The influence of personality on artistic and scientific creativity. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Handbook of creativity (pp. 273–296). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Teresa M. Amabile, Regina Conti, Heather Coon, Jeffrey Lazenby, Michael Herron. Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity[J]. Academy of Management Journal Vol. 39, No. 5.

JC Kaufman, RJ Sternberg. The Cambridge handbook of creativity [M]. Cambridge University Press. 2010.

Yan Yifeng. Research on Concept, Framework and Promotion Path of Digital Literacy [J]. Software Guide.2024-07-05

Bao Yajun, LIU Yonggui, LIU Rui. Analysis on the concept and connotation of Digital literacy -- A comparison with information literacy, Media literacy and Technology literacy [J]. Software Guide.2020.

Miroslava Černochová, Hasan Selcuk. Digital Literacy, Creativity, and Autonomous Learning[J]. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 A. Tatnall (ed.), Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies (2019). 319- 60013 -0_205-1

Hu Jun.Research on the mechanism and conditions of Social Media Use's influence on college students' creativity [D]. Beijing Foreign Studies University.2020.

Kong Lulu. Research on the influence mechanism of Big Data Job Characteristics on Employees' Creativity [D]. Southwest University of Finance and Economics. 2023.4.

Zhang Yiyun. The Influence of Digital Technology on Contemporary Painting Creation [D]. Yunnan Arts University.2022.

Wang Bo. The Influence of Digital Painting on Art Teaching [J]. Art Education Research.2022.

Mark A. Runco & Garrett J. Jaeger. The Standard Definition of Creativity [J]. Creativity Research Journal. 2012.

Sternberg, R. J. (1998). Cognitive mechanisms in human creativity: Is variation blind or sighted? Journal of Creative Behavior, 32, 159–176.

Shen Wangbing, Liu Chang, WANG Yongjuan. The neurophysiological basis of artistic creativity [J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2010, Vol. 18, No. 10, 1520-1528.

Jeffres, L. W., Neuendorf, K., & Atkin, D. J. (2012). Acquiring knowledge from the media in the internet age. Communication Quarterly, 60(1), 59–79.

Eshet-Alkalai Y. Digital Literacy: A Conceptual Framework for Survival Skills in the Digital Era Permian & Triassic paltnostratigraphy View project epistemic pers pectives in comprehension of multiple author viewpoints View project[J]. 2004:9 3-107.

Gilster P. Digital literacy[M]. New York: Wiley Publishing, 1997.




How to Cite

Wang, Q., & Lee, S. (2024). The Impact of Digital Literacy on the Creativity of Art Major University Students. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(9), 182–188.