Immune Changes in “Hepatitis Inflammation and Cancer Transformation Process” from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine


  • Jianjun Zhu Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712046, Shanxi, China
  • Xiaoquan Du Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712000, Shanxi, China



Chronic hepatitis, Inflammatory-cancer transformation, Yin-yang balance, Immune balance


Yin-yang harmony is the core idea of Chinese medicine theory, which has important guiding significance in the prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis "inflammation and cancer Transformation". Modern medicine believes that the change of immune response is one of the reasons affecting tumorigenesis, and intervening the immune response through drugs is the most promising means of cancer treatment for human beings. The yin and yang, collaterals and qi and blood doctrines of Chinese medicine are compatible with the understanding of modern medicine on immunity, especially the concept of replacing "immune-enhancing therapy" with "immune-normalizing therapy", which is consistent with "yin and yang harmonization" to restore the body's vitality. In particular, the concept of "immune normalization therapy" instead of "immune enhancement therapy" has been proposed in recent years, which is consistent with the core idea of "yin and yang harmony" in Chinese medicine to restore the relative balance of the body. This paper discusses the complementary nature of Chinese and Western medicine, with the intention of promoting the development of traditional and modern medicine in the process of preventing and treating "inflammation and cancer transformation" in chronic interventions.


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How to Cite

Zhu, J., & Du, X. (2024). Immune Changes in “Hepatitis Inflammation and Cancer Transformation Process” from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice, 6(7), 35–40.