The Impact of Prenatal Glucocorticoid Exposure on Offspring Cardiac Development


  • Wenwen Huang The Second Clinical College of Medicine, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712046, Shaanxi, China
  • Xiaowen Jia The Third Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xi’an 710000, Shaanxi, China



ACS, GR, Fatty acid oxidation, PGC-1α, DNA methylation


Glucocorticoids are the main part of the treatment of preterm birth, which can promote fetal lung maturation and reduce neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. NRDS), neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and perinatal mortality. However, many studies in recent years have shown that antenatal corticosteroid (ACS) exposure has adverse effects on cardiac myocytes in offspring, resulting in long-term cardiac damage in offspring. This article reviews the recent studies on the regulation of cardiac maturation, cardiac hypertrophy, hemodynamic effects, energy metabolism regulation, and susceptibility to heart disease in offspring treated with glucocorticoids, in order to provide clinical evidence on the harm of ACS to the heart health of offspring, so that clinical attention should be paid to the risk of ACS and the reasonable indications for the use of ACS.


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How to Cite

Huang, W., & Jia, X. (2025). The Impact of Prenatal Glucocorticoid Exposure on Offspring Cardiac Development. Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice, 7(1), 135–140.