Research on the Education of Career Outlook for College Students in the New Era under the Guidance of Socialist Core Values


  • Shuyan Liu Liaoning University of International Business and Economics School of Marxism, Dalian 116052, Liaoning, China
  • Wenyan Lu Liaoning University of International Business and Economics School of Marxism, Dalian 116052, Liaoning, China



The core values of Chinese socialism, College student, Career Concept Education


Employment has always been a major issue for livelihood. The overall employment situation in China is still severe, especially for college students who have many confusions and misconceptions about employment choices. Career education is not fully adapted to the needs of college students and needs to be addressed through various measures. In the new era, it is even more necessary to integrate the core values of socialism into the career education of college students, so that it can meet the needs of national development, social development, and college student development. This article first points out the necessity and role of socialist core values leading the education of career choices for college students in the new era, and then emphasizes the main content of socialist core values leading the education of career choices in the new era and the need to handle four pairs of relationships well. Finally, it proposes practical measures for the education of career choices in the new era under the guidance of socialist core values.


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How to Cite

Liu, S., & Lu, W. (2024). Research on the Education of Career Outlook for College Students in the New Era under the Guidance of Socialist Core Values. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(9), 162–165.