Exploring the Beauty of Mathematics: the Application of Rolle's Theorem in Simple Harmonic Motion and Its Value in Civic Education


  • Hantao Zhang Beijing Institute of Petroleum Technology, Beijing, China
  • Ying Han Beijing Institute of Petroleum Technology, Beijing, China
  • Yuhong Liu Beijing Institute of Petroleum Technology, Beijing, China
  • Weiqing Zhan Beijing Institute of Petroleum Technology, Beijing, China
  • Yujia Gao Beijing Institute of Petroleum Technology, Beijing, China
  • Yulu Li Beijing Institute of Petroleum Technology, Beijing, China




Advanced mathematics, Education, Mean value theorem


Chinese university students are required to undertake essential courses in advanced mathematics and ideological and political theory. Higher Mathematics enhances students' abstract reasoning and problem-solving skills through topics such as calculus and linear algebra. On the other hand, Ideological and Political Theory focuses on instilling accurate ideological perspectives. These courses collectively contribute significantly to students' holistic development, striving to achieve the educational objective of fostering well-rounded growth and enhancing moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor-related capabilities.


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How to Cite

Zhang, H., Han, Y., Liu, Y., Zhan, W., Gao, Y., & Li, Y. (2024). Exploring the Beauty of Mathematics: the Application of Rolle’s Theorem in Simple Harmonic Motion and Its Value in Civic Education. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(12), 46–49. https://doi.org/10.53469/jerp.2024.06(12).12