Research Progress of Different Schools of Scalp Acupuncture in the Treatment of Insomnia
Scalp acupuncture, Insomnia, Schools of traditional Chinese medicine, Research progressAbstract
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in clinical practice. Its complex etiology, high incidence, long course of disease, and high recurrence rate seriously affect people's quality of life and physical and mental health. At present, western medicine treatment is mainly based on sedative hypnotic drugs, but its drug resistance, addiction dependence, withdrawal difficulties and so on have certain limitations. As a new acupuncture therapy, scalp acupuncture has many schools and characteristics, and has advantages in the treatment of mental diseases. This article aims to summarize the research progress of different schools of scalp acupuncture in the treatment of insomnia in recent years, in order to provide an effective reference for clinical treatment of insomnia.
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