A Comparative Study of the Assessment of Stress Levels Among Nursing Staff in the Operating Room of a Private Hospital and a Government Hospital in Aurangabad


  • Umar Faruk Ibrahim Associate Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Dr. Hedgewar College of Nursing, Aurangabad




Stress, Nursing staff, Operation theater, Hospital


Introduction: Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to everything it needs. Dr. Selye has named the stress with positive reaction as good stress. Each stimulant leading to stress or physical nonspecific response is named stressor. Inappropriate environmental conditions such as noise, light, radiation, temperature, and humidity, high load of work, small number of the staffs, and high responsibility are also effective in the incidence of being stressed. Nurses’ working environments, especially operating rooms, are considered stressful due to their existing physical and psychological stress. Occupational stress can lead to occupational burnout. It also leads to a reduction of efficiency. Material and method: The research approach adopted for this study was quantitative type and the research design was comparative descriptive design. This study was conducted among 60 staff nurses working in private and government hospitals by using non - probability convenient sampling technique. Rating scale was used to collect data by expanded nursing stress scale. The data were analyzed and interpreted by descriptive and inferential statistics. Section - I Demographic variables of staff nurses working at private and government hospitals. Section - II by expanded nursing stress scale used by the investigator which consists of nine - factor (death and dying, conflict with physicians, inadequate emotional preparation, problems related to peers, problems related to supervisors, workload, uncertainty concerning treatment, patients and their families and discrimination). Data was analyzed with the help of frequency, mean and standard deviation. Chi - square test was used to determine the association between the levels of stress with selected demographic variables. Results and conclusion: By the finding of the study, it is concluded that the nurses of private hospitals have severe stress & nurses of government hospital nurses have moderate stress.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim , U. F. (2024). A Comparative Study of the Assessment of Stress Levels Among Nursing Staff in the Operating Room of a Private Hospital and a Government Hospital in Aurangabad. Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice, 6(10), 144–146. https://doi.org/10.53469/jcmp.2024.06(10).29