Opinions and Suggestions on Reducing Waiting Time for Outpatient Patients at Mosh Accord Hospital


  • Farmin Rahman BDS, FFO, IFSCFO, MBA – HAHM, Dr. Dy. Patil Center for Online Learning Pune.




General outpatient department, Patients, Waiting time


Background: This article addresses the issue of longer patient waiting time in the outpatient department (OPD) of a super specialty hospital. Due to longer waiting times at OPD, patients had to suffer and their treatment was getting delayed. This problem was solved with the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) method. The entire process, from patient registration todrug delivery, is included in the project. In the process, steps that do not create added value are determined and implemented. This process improvement study looked at shortening the patient waiting time between registration and outpatient department at Accord hospital Moshi. The mean waiting time was calculated in OPD for various departments from the survey collected. The patients were dissatisfied with only one bus provided which can be improved by increasing the number of vans. The registration department has the mentioned giving priority to the Appointment patients and hence the Walk - in patients have to wait case registration hence online appointments can be implemented and the number of staffs can be increased by providing proper training about the administration. The patients were satisfied in diagnosis and pharmacy departments with the services provided to them. The delay in billing department is because time taken to get the lab reports which can be reduced by increasing the number of staffs in the laboratory and radiology department. Overall, 62% of the patients were satisfied with the services provided by the hospital. Patients attending each hospital are responsible for spreading the good image of the hospital and therefore satisfaction of patients attending the hospital is equally important for hospital management. Various studies about outpatient service have elicited problems like overcrowding, delay in consultation, proper behavior of the staff etc. The study reveals the average spend by the patients and also expresses their view towards the hospital and hospital’s services provided by the hospital and the total consumed on each activity. In this study, it was found patients constitute of all age groups and genders among which most of them were females. Study depicts that average no. of patients coming to OPD each day as walk - in is more in comparison to the appointment patients. Administrative staffs are quite concerned towards the patient’s expectation. They serve the suggestion box for patients and make sure to respond to the suggestion satisfactorily. Queuing method is followed for reducing waiting time in OPD. Study depicts that OPD always starts on time and the doctors mostly comes on time. Patients also come on scheduled appointment time sometimes getting delayed. Since Reception center being the primary bottleneck of the system, by increasing another server here, the system may be made to work in steady state. The possibility of clubbing function of Reception center with the registration may also be explored since this could cut down one additional node and a total process time of 10 minutes approximately for each patient. However, it was evidently proved through the simulations that having a single refraction chamber with 8 or even 6 technicians, the hospital could reduce waiting time up to 25 percent, as well as better utilization of resources. Advanced simulations using simulators would help the administrators to visually see what happens when we change the resources in the system. In healthcare Queue modeling can be applied in the areas wherever queue is involved such as rationing, scheduling, Bed allocation, laboratory design, and so on. Aim: Patient waiting time for healthcare services is identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the key measurements of a responsive health system. Patient waiting time is the amount of time for patients seeking care at healthcare units before being attended for consultation and treatment. It is globally agreed that a well - designed healthcare service management system should not have patients to wait long time for appointment and consultation. Lengthy waiting time has long been considered frustrating to patients and thus appears to be a consistent and significant potential cause of patient dissatisfaction. A strong inverse relationship between patient satisfaction and waiting time has been demonstrated by many studies [5–10]. As healthcare solutions become more personalized and consumer driven, the need to provide overall patient satisfaction is becoming more important. The project is to quantify the waiting time and identify the factors associated with waiting time for services offered at the general outpatient department in order to find with evidenced based solutions of solving the problem of long waiting time. Subjects and methods: Data Collection Methods: The data will be collected using both by primary data collection methods as well as secondary sources. Primary Data: Most of the information will be gathered through primary sources. The methods that will be used to collect primary data are: Questionnaire, Interview. Secondary Data: Secondary data will be collected through: Text Books, Magazines, Journals, Websites. Method Used to Present Data: Data Analysis & Interpretation – Classification & tabulation transforms the raw data collected through questionnaire in to useful information by organizing and compiling the bits of data contained in each questionnaire i. e., observation and responses are converted in to understandable and orderly statistics are used to organize and analyze the data: Simple tabulation of data using tally marks. Calculating the percentage of the responses. Formula used = (name of responses / total responses) * 100. Graphical analysis: By means of pie charts bar graphs etc. Number of Respondents: Total samples of 110 respondents will contact who respond to the questionnaires. Sampling Technique: The technique will be used for conducting the study will convenience sampling technique as sample of respondents will be chosen according to convenience. Statistical Tools: The tools used in this study will MS - EXCEL, MS - WORD. MS - EXCEL use to prepare pie charts and graphs. MS - WORD was used to prepare or write the whole project research. A cross - sectional, observational study conducted at Accord Hospital Moshi from 24th April 2023 to 24th may 2023 for the period of 1 month, A total 110 patients enrolled for study purpose include those patients who seeking the treatment from various Outdoor Patients Departments running in this hospital.15 Patients randomlyselected fromeach of nine OPDswithfollowinginclusionandexclusion criteria. Inclusioncriteria: Allageandbothsex of patients attending various outpatients’ departments(OPDs). Forpediatricpatient responsewasnotedfrom attendant. Exclusion criteria: Those patients seeking emergency Medical Services, those who refuse to participate, Medical Students and Hospital Staff. Population and Sample Design: We have taken a full month data from the system that consists of a mix of all hospital cases for the month. In this study patient’s evaluationwasstartedwhilepresenting at hospitaldispensary. Eachpatientwasrandomlyselectedwithinclusionandexclusioncriteria. Thepurpose of thestudywasexplained to eachparticipantbeforeinterviewing. Clinicaldatafromeachpatientwill be recorded to identifythetype OPDs. Datawascollected in perform, pretested Performa containing patient's demographic details like patient's name, age, sex, address. Other part of the Performa contained which OPD they visited, time spent in searching the OPD, time spent for investigation, waiting time at OPD, time spent at dispensary and inquired whether he/she is satisfied with hospital staff and health care services available in this institute.15 patients randomly selected from each of nine OPDs. Total 110 patients were interviewed. Datawasenteredandanalyzedwiththehelp of MS Excel- 2008 and an appropriate statistical test wasappliedwhenneeded. Theresearchdesign of this project is Descriptive which is a type of research that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables in the problem model. Theprimary dataarethosewhicharecollected as freshandforthefirsttimeandthushappen to be original in character. Forthisstudydata is collected throughobservation method. The secondary data are those which are collected by and readily available from other sources like journals, reports, website, newspaper, magazine, books, etc. Results: The study entitled - “A RECOMMENDATION ON REDUCING WAITING TIME IN THE OUT - PATIENT DEPARTMENT AT
ACCORDHOSPITALMOSHI” wasundertakenwithmainobjectives to deminetheflow of patientandaveragetimespent in the OPD, to identify thefactors thoseareresponsible forhighwaitingtimeand to recommendappropriatesuggestions to optimize thewaiting in OPD. Thestudy is conducted in a 150 bedded multi - specialty hospital at Moshi. This esteemed institute is well knownfor its multitude of services. Thehospital is equipped withal moderntechnologies and renderingexcellentservices at an affordablecost. Analysis of datawasdonethroughtablesandgraphsshowingthenumber of respondentsandtheirrespective percentageandpercentagebardiagramswereusedfortheinterpretation of the results. Theresult showsthataverage no. of patients coming to OPDeachday as walk in (100 - 150) is more in comparisons to the appointment patients (20 - 30) approx. The study shows that the waiting time spent by the patients in reception for registration is much less in case of maximum no. of patients compared to lesser no. of patients whose waiting time exceeds more than 30 min. This represents the efficiency of the registration process in the OPD. Study depicts that the average waiting time spent in OPD for consultation is around 30 minandtimetakenduringconsultation is 20 - 30min which states that OPD of the hospital functions satisfactorily. It is found that the time consumedduring investigation viz, radiology is more maximum no. of patients is dissatisfied with the functions of the Radiology department. Patients had to wait for long to collect thereports. Studyrevealedthatbillingand cashpaymentconsumes 25 - 30 minwhichitselfserves as dissatisfaction forthepatients. Collection of reports consumes least time i. e., 10 - 15min. The study shows that maximum no. of patients are satisfied with the punctuality of the staffs in attending to their needs. Administrative staffs are quite concerned towards the patients’ expectation. They serve the suggestion box for patients and make sure to respond to the suggestion satisfactorily. Queuing method is followed for reducing waiting time in OPD. Studydepicts that OPDalways starts on time and the doctors mostly comes on time Patients also come on scheduled appointment time sometime getting delayed. Preference for consultation is always given to the appointment patients andrecords of thearrival, departureand waiting time of patients is maintained. Identifytheresult onthebasis ofobservational studyandcountingthe realtimeat OPDanddataanalysisdone bytotal no.ofminutesdivided bytotal no. ofpatientsobservationthancalculatethe OPDwaitingtimeandconsultation time. OPD Waiting Time: Total no. of Minutes: 1103 Minutes. Total no. of patients: 100. Consultation Time: Total no. of Minutes: 1189 Minutes. Total no. of patients: 100. Calculation: Average OPDWaitingtime: 1103/100= 11.03 minutes. Average Consultationtime: 1189/100 = 11.89minutes. Suggestion and Recommendations: Patient satisfaction assessment should be conductedregularly. In OPDs, complaint andsuggestion box should be kept, so that patients can freely put their complaints and suggestions. Number of counters and staffs in pharmacy must be increased to avoid long waiting time for the patients. Number of staffs should be increased in the depts., with large no. of patients. Number of registration counters should be increased because during the peak hours it may result in the negative image of the hospital in themind of the patients. Thewaiting area should be more spacious. Hospital should give separate outpatient feedback form. Regarding the design of the OPD, the registration counter and enquiry desk should be open and near to the entrance of OPD and emergency dep., all the diagnostic dept. should be near to the consultancy rooms. Divide the whole OPD into two sections, one for the Surgical OPDs and anotherfortheother OPDsalongwithseparatenursestations. It helpspatients to findtheirwaymoreeasilywithoutanyconfusion. Hospitalauthoritiesshould appoint more qualified and senior staff in OPD. Parking of vehicles should be free of cost for the patients and their attainders. A help desk facility should be provided nearby the registration counter for thepatient’s convenience in finding OPDs. Signboard directing various OPDs and other departments should be in local language, located at properlyvisible sites or create somecolor- codingmethodforeasyaccess of OPDs. Allocating juniordoctors in OPDswithsenior Doctors’re - planned the doctor's schedule for the day. Instead of visiting the ward first in the morning, doctor visits the ward once the crowd in the OPD is reduced. Allocating juniordoctors in OPDs with seniordoctors where there is ahuge crowd. Allocating junior doctors in OPDswithseniordoctorswhere the doctors require more time for consulting. Conclusions: This process improvement study looked at shortening the patient waiting time between registration and outpatient department at Accord hospital Moshi. The mean waiting time was calculated in OPD for various departments from the survey collected. The patientsweredissatisfied withonlyonebusprovidedwhichcan be improved by increasingthenumber of vans. Theregistrationdepartmenthasthementioned giving priority to the Appointmentpatients andhencethe Walk- in patientshave to waitcase registration henceonlineappointmentscan be implemented and the number of staffs can be increased by providing proper training about the administration. The patients were satisfied in diagnosis and pharmacy departmentswiththeservicesprovided to them. Thedelay in billing department is becausetimetaken to get the lab reports whichcan be reduced by increasing thenumber of staffs in the laboratoryand radiology department. Overall, 62% of thepatients were satisfied with the services provided by the hospital. Patients attending each hospital are responsible for spreading the good image of the hospital and therefore satisfaction of patients attending the hospital is equally important for hospital management. Various studies about outpatient service have elicited problems like overcrowding, delay in consultation, proper behavior of the staff etc. The study reveals the average spend by the patients and also expresses their view towards the hospital and hospital’s services provided by the hospital and the total consumed on each activity. In this study, it was foundpatients constitute of all agegroupsandgendersamong which most of them were females. Study depicts that average no. of patients coming to OPD each day as walk - in is more in comparison to the appointment patients. Administrative staffsarequiteconcernedtowardsthepatient’sexpectation. Theyservethesuggestion box forpatientsandmakesure to respond to thesuggestionsatisfactorily. Queuing method is followed for reducing waiting time in OPD. Study depicts that OPD always starts on time and the doctors mostly comes on time. Patients also come on scheduledappointmenttimesometimesgettingdelayed. Since Receptioncenterbeingtheprimarybottleneck of thesystem, by increasinganother server here, the systemmay be made to work in steady state. Thepossibility of clubbing function of Reception center with the registration mayalso be explored since this could cutdownoneadditionalnodeandatotalprocesstime of 10 minutesapproximatelyforeachpatient. However, it wasevidentlyproved through the simulations that having a single refraction chamber with 8 or even 6 technicians, the hospital could reducewaiting time up to 25 percent, as well as better utilization of resources. Advanced simulations using simulators would help the administrators to visually see whathappens when we change the resources in the system. In healthcare Queue modeling can be applied in the areas wherever queue is involved such as rationing, scheduling, Bed allocation, laboratory design, and so on.


MA Bashith (2008) assessed that the patient satisfaction regarding the services provided in outpatient department in terms of clinical care, availability of services, waiting time, and cost. He further says patient satisfaction is an important parameter for assessing the quality of patient care services and there is a need to assess the health care systems regarding the patient satisfaction whenever possible. According to a report from the Fraser institution (Feb 2012), waiting time for certain elective procedures in Canada were the longest in 19 years. The institute’s annual survey asked physicians in 10 provinces about the length of time patients wait to receive treatment once a GP has made a referral. Provincial and federal government’s health - care spending increases and reforms have focused on reducing wait times.

Dr. Jawaher SK (2012), Outpatient department is a shop window of any hospital. The difficulty that some of the patient faced in the outpatient department was waiting time but still they are satisfied with the hospital if the overall services rendered to them is Good. So waiting time is one of the indicators that can directly or indirectly affect the satisfaction level of the patients but if all other services rendered to them are good then it has a very negligible effect on it.

When I searched for literature regarding the patient waiting time shortening and its relationship to the Patient Satisfaction, I was not able to find many publications about it. The reason may be that private healthcare Organizations information such as this research could be communicating private information about the facility. However, I was able to find the following articles and reports about this area.

In 2010, Press Ganey, in the survey keeping me waiting, identified the effect of waiting time on the customer satisfaction. This report shows that as the waiting time grows longer, the patient satisfaction drops. In this study the highest waiting time category at 10 minutes or more, which is significantly less than the 40 minutes we are experiencing at AL Sharq Hospital. However, the study also listed recommendations that help in the customer satisfaction rating while patients are waiting.

3. Karen Barrow's article The Doctor Can See You Now. Really, Right Now. Listed the 20 minutes of wait time as the maximum time the patient will wait before they go and check with the reception/registration about the reason they are waiting time is long. It also identified the threshold of the maximum time the patient is willing to wait before they leave the clinic as a maximum of 40 minutes.

4. Lindsey Dunn, Improving Hospital Operational Efficiency Must Include Patient Flow Improvements. This article listed recommendation on the steps to hospital operation improvement and it included that the patient flow is a main area that hospitals should be looking at for improvement in their operation According to ZHU Zhecheng; HENG Bee (2002) this paper “Reducing Consultation Waiting Time And Overtime In Outpatient Clinic: Challenges And Solutions”: is focused on the factors causing long patient waiting time/clinic overtime in Outpatient clinics and how to lessen them using discrete event simulation. A discrete Simulation model is constructed to demonstrate how to improve the clinic act by justifying the detected factors. Simulation and execution results show that significant development is achieved if the factors are well Vol - 3 Issue - 6 2017 IJARIIE - ISSN (O) - 2395 - 4396 6859 www.ijariie. com 38 addressed an outpatient clinic is known as a private or public healthcare facility which is devoted to diagnosis and treatments of Outpatients.

According to C A Stone, J H Palmer, P J Saxby, and V S Devaraj (2000) this paper “The Impact of Engagement Processes on the First - appointment Attendance Rate at a Regional Outpatient Psychological Trauma Service”: States that Outpatient non - attendance is a ordinary source of incompetence in a health service, wasting time and resources and potentially lengthening waiting lists. This study, signifying how risk factor analysis can identify a group of patients who are unlikely to attend again after one missed appointment, may be a useful model for the reduction of outpatient non - attendance in other specialties.

According to Fenghueih Huarng, Mong Hou Lee, “Using Simulation in Out‐Patient Queues: A Case Study, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance” (1996): this paper overwork and overcrowding in some periods was an important issue for the out - patient department of a local hospital in Chia - Yi in Taiwan. The hospital administrators wanted to administer the patient flow effectively. This describes a study which focused on the utilization of doctors and staff in the out - patient department, the time spent in the hospital by an outpatient, and the duration of the out - patient queue. This explains how a computer simulation model was developed to learn how changes in the appointment method, staffing policies and service units would influence the observed bottleneck. The study entitled - “A Recommendation On Reducing Waiting Time In The OutPatient Department In Taiba Hospital” was under taken with main objectives to demine the flow of patient and average time spent in the OPD, to identify the factors those are accountable for high waiting time and to recommend appropriate suggestions to optimize the waiting time in OPD.

According to Ravikant Patel, Hinaben R. Patel International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health in Valsad, Gujarat, India, the paper “A study on waiting time and out - patient satisfaction at Gujarat medical education research society hospital” aims to study the waiting time at various Out Patient Department (OPDs) and various investigation; then to study the accessibility of various department of hospital and also to study the patient happiness on hospital procedure, conduct of hospital staff and treatment cost. The study about those factors concludes that many patients face the difficulties in finding the location of various departments.

According to Mohebbifar R, Hasanpoor E, Mohseni M, Sokhanvar M, Khosravizadeh O, Mousavi Isfahani H. This paper “Outpatient Waiting Time in Health Services and Teaching Hospitals: a Case Study in Iran” states that one of the most essential indexes of the health care quality is patient’s satisfaction and it takes place only when there is a procedure based on management. This study is the systematic analyzing of the outpatient waiting time. This descriptive cross sectional study conducted. Utilizing the models including the one before admission, electronic visit systems via internet, a process model, six sigma model, queuing theory model and FIFO model, are the components of the interference that reduces the outpatient waiting time.

According to V. Gijoa and Jiju Antony Published online 17 July 2013 in Wiley Online Library the paper “Patient Waiting Time In Outpatient Department Using Lean Six Sigma Methodology” addresses the issue of longer patient waiting time in the outpatient department (OPD) of a super specialty hospital attached to a manufacturing company in India. Due to longer waiting times at OPD, employees need to be away from the workplace for a longer period. This problem was addressed through the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology.

According to Prof. Dinesh T. A, MHA, Ph. D. Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Singh, DCH, and M. Phil. Prem Nair, MBBS, MD Remya T R, MHA Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (2013), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University), Cochin, Kerala, this paper “Waiting Time In Outpatient Services Of Large University Teaching Hospital - A Six Sigma Approach, Management In Health”, presents the consequences of a project of improving the quality of services provided in an outpatient department of an university hospital in India. The project was conducted on the basis of the six - sigma methodology and aimed to reduce waiting times in outpatient cardiology office. Significant reduction in waiting time was achieved in the outpatient services of the Cardiology department by using the six - sigma approach.

According to Toussaint (2015), hospitals cannot improve without better management systems. In Toussaint’s perspective, management is a significant part of today’s cost and quality crisis in health care. This is the reason why suitable hospital needs and appropriate medical management must be present to deliver applicable healthcare facilities.

According to Agnes (2011) there must be a planned approached towards work. And thus, the activities within the hospital must be well planned and organized. In line with this, the researchers found out that the level of accuracy in handling hospital information must be done accordingly and accurately. Conclusively, the errors are not completely eliminated, but they are reduced. Hospital Management System is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals. Prasanth and Sailaja (2014) stated that hospital management system is to computerize the front office management which deals with collection of patient information, diagnosis details, and even the billing details. The researchers have found out that the computerization of hospital management system has become a necessity and has become the new standard. By implementing this technology adoption, the researchers also found out that the need of easy access to patient information and history are significantly increasing.




How to Cite

Rahman, F. (2024). Opinions and Suggestions on Reducing Waiting Time for Outpatient Patients at Mosh Accord Hospital. Journal of Contemporary Medical Practice, 6(11), 260–268. https://doi.org/10.53469/jcmp.2024.06(11).52