Ethics and Values Matter: The Role of Higher Education
Education, process of social change, issues facing humanity, value orientation in higher education through Universities, Institution & Colleges, and NEP 2020Abstract
Human existence is a process of learning and development aimed at achieving wisdom, and education has been regarded as the ultimate value system since the birth of culture and way of life for this reason. Education is more than only the acquisition of skills or the gathering of knowledge or news about a topic of interest from others or from other parts of the world. It is not limited to the abilities of obtaining information received and preserved via knowing, or just the exploration of existential problems and familiarization with previously acquired knowledge or data, or with a system of knowledge - but also with the goal of comprehending this cognition. Knowledge is involved with the comprehension of a collection of propositions or concepts. Knowledge can be theoretical and practical, fundamental and abstract, and it may exist in any time period: past, present, and future. However, cognition is always done in the present. Past memories and future prophecies are also remembered in the present, as the ideas flash or surface in the mind. These flashes act as an impetus for our quick determination, allowing us to decide whether or not to undertake anything. However, for the purpose of brevity, I'll lump the two, knowledge and cognition, together under the heading of knowledge. Education fosters the development of talents from all three faculties, as well as wisdom in their right application for the benefit of people and society for creating value and ethics. The goal of NEP 2020 is also having important role in higher education teaching to encourage systematic and focused discoveries and practices that benefit society. Society views higher education institutions as catalysts for the transformation of knowledge into wisdom. The quality, morals, and ethics of higher education institutions are increasingly important in integrating young people into society. A country like India has a large young population, and they are the frontiers of the Indian government's Made in India Initiative. It has been well mentioned that the actual philosophy of education is in the combination of ethics, virtues, values, and the validity of human life, thus it is vital to improve ethical values, philosophical thinking, study, research, and moral growth in the Indian education system.
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