"Four Sentences of Hengqu" under the Perspective of Practical Studies


  • Hourui Ya Institute of Political Science and Law, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, Shaanxi, China




Zhang Zai, Practical studies, Four sentences of Hengqu


"Four sentences of Hengqu" include the ontology of Zhang Zai's philosophy, the theory of human nature and the academic pursuit and mission responsibility of Confucian scholars. Under the perspective of practical studies, "To set heart for Heaven and Earth; To secure life and fortune for the people" reflects that all things are born of Qi, from the perspective of Qi ontology shows that people can improve morality and become good by changing their temperament; "To inherit the ultimate truth for past sages; To establish peace for future generations" is intended to emphasize that everything are real and born in Qi, to clear and correct the name of Confucianism, follow this "right path" can realize the world peace.


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How to Cite

Ya, H. (2024). "Four Sentences of Hengqu" under the Perspective of Practical Studies. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(6), 77–80. https://doi.org/10.53469/jssh.2024.6(06).16