Investigation and Research on the Statues of Northern Zhou Grottoes in the Longdong Area


  • Ru Wang Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China



Longdong Area, Northern Zhou Dynasty, Buddhist grottoes, Impact


The Longdong region, as a pivotal birthplace of Chinese cave art, holds a distinctive geographical position. Its collection of cave temples from the Northern Dynasties period is notably well-preserved, bearing significant academic value. Moreover, the cave temples from the late Northern Dynasties period constitute a crucial component of research on Chinese cave temples, marking the transitional phase between the Northern Wei and Tang dynasties, which represent two pinnacle epochs in the domain of Chinese cave art. The text primarily delves into the evolution of the Northern and Southern cave temples during the Northern Zhou Dynasty, exploring their impact on the regional Buddhist culture. Additionally, it thoroughly analyzes the influence of external cultures on the cave sculptures in the Longdong region during the Northern Zhou period, as well as their integration with local and ethnic minority cultures. The research reveals that the cave art in the Longdong region not only imitates the cave art of the Central Plains and the Western Regions but also embodies the unique regional cultural characteristics and spirit of innovation. Through a comprehensive examination of cave sculpture styles, clothing features, and other aspects, this study holds significant implications for understanding the developmental trajectory of Buddhist art in the Longdong region during the Northern Zhou period and regional cultural exchanges.


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How to Cite

Wang , R. (2024). Investigation and Research on the Statues of Northern Zhou Grottoes in the Longdong Area. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(6), 61–64.