Environment and Sustainability Pillar


  • Ranjana Rajiv Gaikwad Assistant Professor Chemistry, Govt. G. N. A. P. G. College, Bhatapara (C. G.)
  • Chitra Sathe Assistant Professor Physics, Govt. G. N. A. P. G. College, Bhatapara (C. G.)




Ecosystem, Sustainability, consumerists, carbonizing, dynamics


Environmental Sustainability aims to improve the quality of life without unnecessary strain on the Ecosystem. Its all about creating an Equilibrium between consumerists human and living World. Sustainability can be achieved in two ways by individuals, by cooperatives and government bodies. Environment sustainability is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely, humans have been carbonizing our planet for nearly two millineums and are continuously contributing to environmental pollution. The present paper deals with the study of dynamics of environment sustainability. The idea is to sustainable the environment with an ecological balance in natural environment and to protect our natural resources and support the betterment of future. We have a responsibility to society for implementing environmentally sustainable practices.


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How to Cite

Rajiv Gaikwad, R., & Sathe, C. (2024). Environment and Sustainability Pillar. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(9), 183–186. https://doi.org/10.53469/jssh.2024.6(09).33