Role Transformation of Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges under Artificial Intelligence Assisted Art Creation: A Qualitative Study of Art Design Teachers


  • Jiabao Wu Changzhou College of Information Technology, China
  • Luis Miguel DOS SANTOS Department of Counselling and Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong SAR, China



Role Transformation, Artificial Intelligence Technology, Arts Education, Teacher Professional Development, Higher Vocational Colleges


Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has made remarkable progress in image processing, speech synthesis, intelligent creation, etc., and has shown great potential for application in artistic creation. In the teaching scenario of higher vocational colleges, teachers not only bear the responsibility of cultivating students' hands-on ability and creative thinking but also need to constantly adapt to the teaching changes brought about by technological advances. With their strong digital intuition, creative thinking and flexible adaptability, young art design teachers can make better use of AI technology to assist artistic creation, improve teaching quality, and enrich students' creative learning experience. Traditional art education usually relies on teachers to impart knowledge, guide practice, and evaluate works in the classroom; however, the widespread application of AI technologies has brought about a revolutionary transformation in art education, and new educational resources such as generative design tools and online assisted design platforms are gradually changing the traditional teaching mode and the role of teachers. Using self-efficacy theory and social cognitive career and motivation theory as a framework, this study investigated twelve in-service young art design teachers through 1) semi-structured interviews; 2) focus group discussions, and 3) member-checking interviews. The researcher analysed the data using a general inductive approach to capture the following core themes: 1) new role orientation; 2) continuing professional development and 3) support from society and educational institutions. Institutional support. The results of the study help to deeply understand the relationship between AI and art education in higher vocational colleges, clarify the self-worth positioning of young art design teachers in the new era, and provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the transformation of teachers' roles and the professional development of art education.


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How to Cite

Wu, J., & DOS SANTOS, L. M. (2024). Role Transformation of Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges under Artificial Intelligence Assisted Art Creation: A Qualitative Study of Art Design Teachers. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(9), 87–93.