Theoretical Research on the Construction of “Six-dimensional” Curriculum System for Physical Education Specialty under the Background of Teacher Certification


  • Qingmei Li College of Physical Education, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, Guangdong, China



Professional certification, Physical education major, Curriculum system


The major of physical education bears the responsibility and mission of the training of physical education teachers. The perfect curriculum system is the key element of the training of professional teachers in all kinds of physical education colleges at all levels, which directly affects the training direction, training specifications and training quality of physical education teachers. According to the graduation requirements of teacher professional certification for personnel training, this study puts forward the training ideas of physical education professionals from six dimensions, such as “ideological morality, basic quality, disciplinary quality, professional knowledge, professional skills, and innovation ability”, as well as the theoretical conception of curriculum system construction, in order to provide theoretical reference for the reform of physical education curriculum system.


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How to Cite

Li, Q. (2024). Theoretical Research on the Construction of “Six-dimensional” Curriculum System for Physical Education Specialty under the Background of Teacher Certification. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 179–184.