Research on the Practical Path of Integrating Good Family Traditions into Ideological and Political Theory Courses in the New Era


  • Pengpeng Zhang Liaoning University of International Business and Economics School of Marxism, Dalian, Liaoning 116052, China



Family tradition construction, Innovate, Teaching ability


Family education involves many aspects, but the most important is moral education, which is the education on how to be a good person. This means that the construction of family traditions is not only the inheritance of lifestyle, but also the cultivation of moral qualities. A good family tradition can guide children to establish a correct worldview, outlook on life, and values, laying a solid foundation for their lifelong development. High quality family traditions nourish the spiritual world and promote the formation of virtues such as integrity, diligence, respect for the elderly and love for the young. Therefore, this article emphasizes the close connection between family tradition construction and the fate of society and the country. It proposes to integrate multidimensional educational resources, strengthen family tradition research and dissemination, and promote social harmony and prosperity. And further elaborated on the strategy of integrating the spirit of family tradition construction into teaching practice, including in-depth exploration of the connotation of textbooks, combination of theory and practice, strengthening the construction of teaching staff, improving the evaluation system, and focusing on post class experience summary and reflection, aiming to cultivate well-rounded socialist builders and successors.


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How to Cite

Zhang, P. (2024). Research on the Practical Path of Integrating Good Family Traditions into Ideological and Political Theory Courses in the New Era. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 176–178.