The Ethical Reflections of eSports


  • Xin He School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
  • Qilin Yue School of Maxism ,Chongqing Institute of Engineering, Chongqing,China



Electronic sports, Ethic, Goods, Virtues


At present, electronic sports, based on modern information technology, as a type of sports, has attracted countless young people to participate in it. This phenomenon has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life: Some people think that electronic sports is good for the development of individual and society: make participants happy, gain both fame and fortune; promote social economic development and maintain social stability. Some people think that electronic sports is not conducive to the development of individuals and society. it is manifested as physical and mental imbalance in individuals: Long-term participation in electronic sports will bring about physical injury and imbalance between rationality and sensibility of participants. In the aspect of society, it is manifested as the increasingly rampant tendency of money worship and frequent e-sports scandals; Between individuals and society, participants alienate family and friends, depart from society, and even conflict with society. The practice of the soul in accordance with rationality requires human behavior to have virtues, and the essence of virtue is moderation—moderating in emotions and behaviors. It is precisely because of the lack of moderation that electronic sports participants personally cause their own physical and mental problems. The participants of electronic sports should be moderate in emotion and behavior, which can effectively solve the ethical problems of electronic sports. Although human eudaemonia is complete and self-sufficient, the essence of human is the sum of all social relations, and individual’s eudaemonia can only be fulfilled in cooperation with others and society. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle proposed a kind of general justice: law-abiding justice, and believed that people can achieve their eudaemonia in a justicial society where everyone obeys the law. To make the participants of electronic sports aware of their sociality, and to establish a good environment for electronic sports with laws and regulations, to call for the unity of rights and responsibilities, it can effectively solve the contradiction between the participants of electronic sports and the society, and fulfill the eudaemonia of the whole e-sports group.


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Rule consciousness means that eSports participants need to abide by the rules of eSports in order to participate; fairness consciousness means that participants are awarded with appropriate honours according to the quality of their competitions; patriotism consciousness means that participants train in general in order to win glory for their country in the world-class eSports competitions.

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How to Cite

He, X., & Yue, Q. (2024). The Ethical Reflections of eSports. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 168–175.