Race for AI Supremacy: Comparing US and China’s Innovation Paths Through College Students’ Views on Facial Recognition Technology


  • Yi Wu University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA




Facial Recognition Technology (FRT), China, United States (US), Ideology, Personal Safety, Human Rights, Privacy, Technological Adoption


This paper explores the fundamental ideological differences between Chinese and American college students that shape their attitudes toward Facial Recognition Technology (FRT). Through a comparative analysis of the perspectives of college students in both countries, the paper highlights three key aspects: the emphasis on personal safety and national governance versus human rights and privacy protection, the willingness to adopt new technologies versus skepticism, and the influence of centralized versus decentralized approaches to technological implementation. These differences are rooted in historical, cultural, and philosophical traditions that continue to influence modern societal values and policy decisions.


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How to Cite

Wu, Y. (2024). Race for AI Supremacy: Comparing US and China’s Innovation Paths Through College Students’ Views on Facial Recognition Technology. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 159–167. https://doi.org/10.53469/jssh.2024.06(08).31