The Practical Process and Significance of Sinicization of Marxist Theory


  • Yongtao Wang Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi, China



Scientific Socialism, Sinicization, Three leaps, Enlightenment of the times


After the publication of the Communist Manifesto, scientific socialism became a true scientific theory that guides human understanding of society and social practice, and began to spread widely worldwide, even in distant China where its influence can be seen. The realization of socialism in the world is not smooth and there is no fixed model. In the long historical process, the people have sought to combine scientific socialism with the local complex situation, and constantly created ideological theories with local characteristics and in line with Chinese values, which enriched the theoretical system of Marxism and realized the three leaps of sinicization of Marxist theory. The three leaps of Chinese Marxist theory proved that Marxism has strong vitality. The CPC has always insisted on testing and developing Marxist theory in practice, always taking the interests of the people as the starting point and premise of work, and has created a socialist development path with Chinese characteristics, which not only provides new options for other countries in the world to achieve modernization, but also provides new governance solutions for the world.


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Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Beijing, People's Publishing House, 2009.

Stuart R. Schram: Mao Zedong Thought, translated by Tian Songnian, etc., China Renmin University Press, 2013 edition, pages 56-57.

Benjamin Schwartz: China's Communism and the Rise of Mao Zedong, translated by Chen Wei, China Renmin University Press, 2013 edition, page 152.

Jin Minqing: "The Logic of Marxist Sinicization", Social Sciences Literature Press, January 2018, 1st edition.

Wang Xiangming: The Great Pass: The Historical Process and Theoretical Achievements of the Sinicization of Marxism, China Renmin University Press, July 2015, the first edition, page 21.




How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2024). The Practical Process and Significance of Sinicization of Marxist Theory. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 139–144.