New Ecology of Aesthetic Education: A Global Vision and Local Practice of Integrating Anime and Manga Culture into Aesthetic Education


  • Peng Yu School of Artistic Design, Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou, Jiangsu, 213001, China; School of Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 11800, Malaysia



Anime and Manga Culture+, Youth Aesthetic Education, Comparative Study


With the popularization of anime and manga culture among young people, integrating it into aesthetic education has become an urgent topic for discussion. This study aims to explore the theoretical basis and practical approaches of incorporating anime and manga culture into youth aesthetic education. Through a comparative analysis of relevant research findings from China and abroad, this paper proposes the innovative concept of "Anime and Manga Culture+", aiming to promote the interdisciplinary integration of anime and manga culture. The research finds that foreign practices in visual culture education provide valuable insights for domestic implementation. Based on this, the paper proposes three main practical approaches: integrating anime and manga culture into STEAM education, using anime and manga culture to reflect on contemporary social issues, and enhancing cultural confidence through the dissemination of anime and manga culture. This research provides a theoretical framework and practical guidance for the innovative development of youth aesthetic education in the new era, contributing to the cultivation of young people's aesthetic abilities, interdisciplinary thinking, and cultural innovation capabilities.


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How to Cite

Yu, P. (2024). New Ecology of Aesthetic Education: A Global Vision and Local Practice of Integrating Anime and Manga Culture into Aesthetic Education. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 40–45.