"Space Production" of Diving Sports


  • Yuan Feng Institute of Sports Science, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, Guangdong, China




Diving, Sports, Space, Space turning, Space production


Using the method of literature review, within the cultural context of spatial turn, this paper explores the spatial production of diving activities and interprets the cultural significance of the relationship between humans and water. Diving is a survival pattern oriented towards spatial exploration, offering a perspective on human existence, and the harmony between humans and water requires the activation of temporal and spatial wisdom, thus initiating intellectual exploration in this space. Diving activities create a new existential space, allowing people to experience a different world from land life, whose production requires mental vigor. Diving activities construct an existential space different from the world of land life, not only occupying, practicing, and producing spatially in the aquatic world but also engaging in abstract and experiential spatial re-creation, which build an existential space of practice and re-practice from land to sea, where humans and water production and flow in space, and spatial production in diving activities obtains theoretical interpretation.


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How to Cite

Feng, Y. (2024). "Space Production" of Diving Sports. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.53469/jssh.2024.06(08).07