Research on Administrative Law Protection of Personal Information in the Era of Big Data


  • Zhenyu Liang Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang, Guizhou, China



Personal Information, Big Data, Administrative Law Protection


Personal information has the attributes of personal dignity and personal interests. In the era of big data, the infringement of personal information is common. Although the introduction of the "Personal Information Protection Law" has improved the situation of personal information infringement to a certain extent, there are still lax administrative supervision and difficulties in administrative relief in the administrative protection of personal information. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the administrative supervision system and strengthen administrative relief measures to protect citizens' personal information.


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How to Cite

Liang, Z. (2024). Research on Administrative Law Protection of Personal Information in the Era of Big Data. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(8), 24–28.