A Case Study on High School English Teachers' Adaptation Strategies to New Textbooks


  • Yulun Wu Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China




High School EFL Teachers, New Textbook, Adaptation, Teachers' Professional Developments


Teachers adapting to new textbooks involves dynamic interaction between teachers and materials, which will facilitate professional development. This study relies on in-depth interviews, complemented by WeChat chat records and student feedback, using Activity Theory as the analytical framework and conducts versus coding analysis. Four-level contradictions during the "new textbook adaptation period" are identified. Two paths for adjusting to new books and achieving professional development are summarized.


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How to Cite

Wu, Y. (2024). A Case Study on High School English Teachers’ Adaptation Strategies to New Textbooks. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 6(7), 139–145. https://doi.org/10.53469/jssh.2024.06(07).28