Probing University Foreign Language Teacher Development in the New Liberal Arts Era


  • Sutong Gao School of Foreign Languages, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China



University English teacher, Teacher development, Teacher abilities, New liberal arts


The development of the new liberal arts in the new era has led to increased demands on university English teachers and courses, posing new issues and difficulties. University English teachers must first concentrate on the objectives of the new liberal arts construction as well as the new positioning and development direction of university English courses in order to effectively address these problems and challenges. Only by doing so can they improve their professional attributes and core competencies. This article addresses how to promote the professional quality and core competencies of English teachers by addressing challenges in four areas: professional knowledge, information technology ability, academic capability, and improvement of self-awareness against the backdrop of new liberal arts. The study begins with the actual situation of English teachers in universities, and it offers some support for teachers’ professional and personal development and establishes a strong basis for the advancement of the English language and the development of exceptional composite skills.


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How to Cite

Gao, S. (2025). Probing University Foreign Language Teacher Development in the New Liberal Arts Era. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 7(1), 117–120.


