Fractal Works: Echoes of Portogesi - His Listening to Space
Portoghesi, fractal, architectural position, disjunctionAbstract
Poalo Portoghesi's opus can be perceived as segmented, fragmented, where a matrix is formed in the form of a fractal whose parts are a reduced copy of the whole. His creativity is such that it is a matter of a historian, an architect as well as a theoretician, where it is difficult to determine the primacy of dominance of an individual position. Therefore, the fractal becomes a method of perceiving space, time, theory, realized architectural work. In this research paper, it starts from individual premises such as the fractal and the work of Poalo Portoghesi itself - and, whether it is historical, architectural or theoretical, would not a disjunctive judgment about the architectural position be made by the method of deduction.
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