Immigration Policy Solutions Are Achieved Through US Political Interests, Economic Market Manipulation, And Legal Rulings


  • Ali-Rashad Richey International Programmes – Doctor of Law, Immigration Law & World Economies, Azteca University Lead Doctoral



Immigration Policy, Political Interests, Economic Manipulation, Legal Rulings, United States


This doctoral thesis explores the effectiveness of immigration policy solutions in the United States, focusing on the interplay between political interests, economic market manipulation, and legal rulings. Employing a qualitative narrative literature review, the study examines these factors role in shaping immigration policies and their impact of social, legal, and economic equity. Through an interdisciplinary approach, it aims to offer insights into developing more equitable and effective immigration policies.


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How to Cite

Richey, A.-R. (2025). Immigration Policy Solutions Are Achieved Through US Political Interests, Economic Market Manipulation, And Legal Rulings. Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 7(1), 1–41.


