Optimizing Organizational Effectiveness in Higher Education: An Integrated Application of Fayol's Management Principles
Fayol's Principles of Management, Higher Education Institutions, Departmental Management, Organizational Efficiency, Employee EngagementAbstract
This paper solely focuses on the fourteen principles established by Henri Fayol and their application in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), further analyzing their implications. Published works previously related to this study were reviewed extensively. This review provided a rigorous understanding of the principles, facilitating better comprehension and further modifications. The importance, benefits, strengths, and weaknesses of these principles were tested to determine their suitability in HEI departments. Data was drawn from various HEI departments, giving this study a directional perspective. Based on literature and results obtained from the data, it was concluded that Fayol's principles of management are as relevant to HEI departments as they are in other existing organizations. The paper further recommends that HEI departments should always maintain a clear sense of direction and engage staff by continuously reminding them of the organization's goals and objectives. It is also essential to offer staff a sense of importance within the organization and treat them with utmost objectivity.
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