Research on the Countermeasures of Integrating Red Cultural Resources into Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities


  • Yuzhuo Chen Liaoning University of International Business and Economics School of Marxism, Dalian 116052, Liaoning, China



Red cultural resources, Ideological and political courses, Digital Intelligence Technology


The ideological and political courses in universities bear the important task of cultivating moral character and nurturing talents. How to integrate red cultural resources into the teaching process of ideological and political courses in universities in various forms under new historical conditions will contribute to the high-quality development of universities. Universities can help college students strengthen their understanding and appreciation of red culture through experiential and immersive teaching, by reforming and innovating the teaching and educational forms of ideological and political courses, visiting red culture practice bases, and carrying out various forms of red culture campus activities. This will inspire a strong sense of social mission, and enable them to consciously contribute to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


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How to Cite

Chen, Y. (2024). Research on the Countermeasures of Integrating Red Cultural Resources into Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(8), 70–72.