Exploration and Inspiration of Modern Chinese Aesthetic and Music Education Thoughts


  • Xinyu Hu College of Art, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, Zhejiang, China




Music education philosophy, Aesthetic education, School music education


Since modern times, driven by the ideas of "abolishing the imperial examination system, revitalizing schools, nurturing talents, and strengthening China", the education system has begun to reform, and school music education has gradually gained attention. Due to the sweeping of Western cultural trends, the collision of Eastern and Western cultures has become the main theme of society. During this period, music education ideas were deeply influenced by Western educational concepts. This article reviews the historical context of aesthetic and music education ideas in modern China. It analyzes the relevant characteristics of education systems and music educators' aesthetic and music education ideas in different periods. The aesthetic and music education ideas of these periods were not separated, but were a great exploration of the development of music education in China by educators and government departments under the influence of Western music culture. The aesthetic and music education ideas of this period played an important role in promoting innovation and development of music education, and also have positive reference and enlightenment significance for the current development of ethnic music education.


(Qing Dynasty) Kang Youwei wrote; Chen Deyuan, Li Chuanyin's commentary Datong Book [M] Beijing: Huaxia Publishing House, October 2002.

Edited by Teng Hao; Written by Cai Yuanpei Classic Library of Famous Cultural Masters of the Republic of China, Cai Yuanpei Classics [M] Beijing: Contemporary World Press, February 2016.

Feng Wenci's "History of Music Exchange between China and Foreign Countries" [M] Beijing: People's Education Press, 1998.

Shu Xincheng's "Materials on the History of Modern Chinese Education" [M] Beijing: People's Education Press, 1981.




How to Cite

Hu, X. (2024). Exploration and Inspiration of Modern Chinese Aesthetic and Music Education Thoughts. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(8), 50–53. https://doi.org/10.53469/jrve.2024.06(08).11