Exploration of Response Strategies for Network Public Opinion Crisis Events in Vocational Colleges Based on the 4R Crisis Management Theory


  • Mengran Qi Suzhou Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China




4R theory, Vocational colleges, Online public opinion


The rapid development of the Internet and big data makes online public opinion events very easy to occur. The management of online public opinion crisis in colleges and universities is an important part of the management of colleges and universities. Higher vocational colleges face greater challenges due to the complex structure of students, relatively weak cultural ability and other problems. This paper, starting from the theory of 4R crisis management, analyzes the characteristics of online public opinion communication in higher vocational colleges, analyzes the problems from the four stages of reduction, preparation, response and recovery, and puts forward countermeasures for online public opinion crisis events in higher vocational colleges.


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How to Cite

Qi, M. (2024). Exploration of Response Strategies for Network Public Opinion Crisis Events in Vocational Colleges Based on the 4R Crisis Management Theory. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(8), 45–49. https://doi.org/10.53469/jrve.2024.06(08).10