The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Classroom Teaching in Universities


  • Chunlin Wang School of Marxism, Liaoning University of International Business and Economics, Dalian 116052, Liaoning, China



Artificial intelligence, Efficient Classroom, Personalized teaching


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, its application in university classroom teaching is becoming increasingly widespread, bringing unprecedented changes to the field of education. In recent years, the breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology is not only reflected in the optimization of algorithms and the improvement of computing power, but also in its deep integration into the teaching process, achieving intelligent management of teaching resources and precise implementation of personalized teaching. In addition, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has also given rise to innovative teaching tools such as virtual laboratories and intelligent teaching assistants, which not only enrich teaching content but also provide students with more immersive and interactive learning experiences.


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How to Cite

Wang, C. (2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Classroom Teaching in Universities. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(7), 51–54.