Prefixes Between English and Albanian


  • Aryan Bose PhD Candidate, Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Communications, South East European University (SEEU), North Macedonia Prishtina, Kosovo



Word formation, Prefixes, Prefixation


Processes of word formation are of great interest for many linguists since they reveal a lot about a language and its development throughout the years. Each process has its importance and degree of productivity in a language. However, as regards English and Albanian languages one of the most important word formation processes is affixation, including both prefixation and suffixation, since it is one of the most productive processes in both languages. In addition, prefixation is a word formation process where new words are created with the help of prefixes which are added to bases. Accordingly, the study aims to study some main preffixation issues both in English and Albanian. Thus, it will analyse prefixation and its main characteristics; prefixes, their characteristics and classifications in both languages by comparing and contrasting them. In order to achieve the aims of this paper a theoretical method was used. Thus, different books and online studies and articles were consulted. The findings suggest that there are both similarities and differences as regards the issues and characteristics raised about prefixation as well as prefixes. But there are more similarities rather than differences such as: some English prefixes have the same the meaning and usage as the Albanian prefixes.


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How to Cite

Bose, A. (2024). Prefixes Between English and Albanian. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(7), 40–46.