Psychological Rigidity, Perceived Parenting, And Problematic Internet Use in Adolescent Mental Health: A Review


  • Gede Sedana Research Scholar, School of Social Science, Indira Gandhi National Open University



Psychological hardiness, Perceived parenting, Problematic internet use, Adolescent, Mental Health


Adolescence is a pivotal developmental stage characterized by significant physical, emotional, and social transformations, during which mental health becomes critically important. This literature review explores the intricate relationships between psychological hardiness, perceived parental behavior, and problematic internet use, and their collective impact on adolescent mental health. Psychological hardiness, defined by traits such as commitment, control, and challenge, has been identified as a significant predictor of mental resilience, helping adolescents manage stress and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. Perceived parental behavior, particularly positive perception of parenting, is associated with positive mental health outcomes, whereas neglectful or authoritarian parenting styles can exacerbate psychological distress. Problematic internet use, especially excessive engagement with social media and gaming, has been linked to increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression among adolescents. The review synthesizes current research to provide a comprehensive understanding of these variables and their implications for interventions aimed at improving adolescent mental well-being. Findings suggest that fostering psychological resilience, promoting supportive parenting practices, and encouraging responsible internet use are essential strategies for enhancing mental health outcomes in adolescents. Future research may aim to explore these relationships to develop targeted interventions that address the unique challenges faced by adolescents in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Sedana, G. (2024). Psychological Rigidity, Perceived Parenting, And Problematic Internet Use in Adolescent Mental Health: A Review. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(7), 22–27.