The Determinants of Work and Life Quality and Job Satisfaction Among Faculty


  • Ali Abdulkadir Aden Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Management Studies, Government First Grade College, Srinivaspur Taluk, Karnataka, India



Higher Education, Work - Life, Institutions, Job Satisfaction, Private


Unless the teachers are happy with their current job, they might not be able to demonstrate their commitment in delivering the contents efficiently and there may not be complete utilization of the skills of teachers. Quality of Work - Life leads to create motivation, loyalty and flexibility in the workforce. All these factors are crucial for competitiveness of the organizations and also Quality of Work - life leads to reduce absenteeism, turnover rate and increase their Job Satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the significant factors that impact relationship between teachers and students. The main objective of the study is to examine the factors affecting quality of work life and job satisfaction among academic staff of private degree colleges in Karnataka. Descriptive research methodology was used to find out the results for the hypothesis set. Structured questionnaire and interview method was used to collect the data. Sample frame consisted of all the management teachers teaching in 86 private higher educational institutions in Karnataka offering management degree. The sample size consisted of 264 lecturers. The analysis is carried out by SPSS software. The main results revealed that, Employees expected QWL and factors relating to organisational commitment in creating quality of work - life in a private degree colleges have significant relationship with job satisfaction. Regression equation tool was applied for the analysis to find the relationship between the variables selected.


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How to Cite

Aden, A. A. (2024). The Determinants of Work and Life Quality and Job Satisfaction Among Faculty. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(6), 37–43.