A Descriptive Study on the Attitudes and Perceptual Barriers of Nursing Staff Towards Conducting Scientific Research


  • Keshava Reddy Associate Professor, Royal School of Nursing, The Assam Royal Global University, Guwahati, Assam, India




Nursing Faculty Members, Attitudes, Perceived Barriers, Scientific Research


Nursing research has a tremendous influence on current and future up gradation of nursing profession. Mandatory nursing research courses are being taught in almost every nursing program. But unfortunately it is found that nursing lags behind in conducting scientific research in compare to other disciplines due to various factors. Aim: To assess the nursing faculty members' attitudes and perceived barriers towards conducting scientific research. Method: Study was conducted by using descriptive research design; self - structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 65 nursing faculties from different nursing colleges of Guwahati by using convenient sampling technique. Result: Out of 65 faculty members majority i. e. (96.9%) were female, (56.9%) were single, (50.8%) had completed B. sc Nursing/ Post Basic B. sc Nursing, (49.2%) were clinical instructor, (40%) had 1 - 3 years of working experience and (40%) had involved in both teaching and clinical duty. In assessing attitude majority i. e. (86.2%) answered that nurses with different degrees were not in need of knowledge based on the research as much as medical doctors, (93.8%) replied that nursing profession consists of practical work and does not have to include research, (95.4%) disagreed that nurses do not need of research in nursing to improve the nursing care as nurses can manage that by themselves, (96.9%) disagreed that participation in research work does not contribute to increased skills in nursing profession. Lack of confidence to perform the research activities, unawareness of using electronic data base, lack of knowledge about research methodology, no sufficient time to find research ROL, lack of statistical knowledge, see little benefits for self from research, other organizational goals are considered as higher priority rather than research activities, insufficient time on work place and overloaded with curriculum, no time for conducting research were found as barrier in conducting research. Conclusion: Nursing faculties were found having positive attitude towards conducting nursing research, but due to certain barrier they were unable to conduct it. Most of the faculties reported that they need proper guidance, statistical training, funds and mentors to conduct scientific research.


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How to Cite

Reddy, K. (2024). A Descriptive Study on the Attitudes and Perceptual Barriers of Nursing Staff Towards Conducting Scientific Research. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(6), 23–25. https://doi.org/10.53469/jrve.2024.6(06).05