Music Education in the Western Zhou Dynasty and its Practical Significance


  • Jiamin Liu Conservatory of Art, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, Zhejiang, China



Western Zhou, Music education, Meaning


In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the organization of music education was large and the teaching management was strict. The content taught by music, music language and music and dance were the main body. The teaching progress and teaching time were managed to a certain extent and had high standardization. Educators through learning a variety of musical skills, such as instrumental music, vocal music, music and dance, to achieve the all-round development of people. This paper aims to find the connection between modern and contemporary music education and Western Zhou music education by combing the system and content of music education in Western Zhou.


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How to Cite

Liu, J. (2024). Music Education in the Western Zhou Dynasty and its Practical Significance. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(6), 11–15.