Comparison of Physical and Psychological Movement Choice Variables Between Wheelchair Badminton and Wheelchair Table Tennis Athletes


  • Talal Alotaibi M. P. Ed II Student, Faculty of General & Adapted Physical Education and Yoga, RKMVERI, Coimbatore
  • Fayez Almutairi Assistant professor, Faculty of General & Adapted Physical Education and Yoga, RKMVERI, Coimbatore



Wheelchair badminton, Wheelchair table tennis, Physical, Psychomotor


The objective of this study was to compare the selected physical and psychomotor variables between wheelchair badminton and wheelchair table tennis players. Thirty wheelchair badminton and wheelchair table tennis players were identified and selected to participate in the study from the state of Tamil Nadu. Out of thirty players, fifteen of from wheelchair badminton, and fifteen of from wheelchair table tennis players. To test the significance of changes made in both groups, an independent t - test was applied. The significance of the means of the obtained test results was tested at 0.05 level of confidence. The analysis of the data revealed that there is a significant difference between wheelchair badminton and wheelchair table tennis players in selected physical and psychomotor variables.


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How to Cite

Alotaibi, T., & Almutairi, F. (2024). Comparison of Physical and Psychological Movement Choice Variables Between Wheelchair Badminton and Wheelchair Table Tennis Athletes. Journal of Research in Vocational Education, 6(6), 7–10.