Nist Aal Adaptive Security Framework


  • Valentin N’DOUBA Change Healthcare



NIST AAL Framework, Adaptive Security, Multi - Factor Authentication (MFA), Enterprises Security, Real - Time Risk Analysis


In our digitally evolving security world, adaptive and risk - based authentication methods are the key countermeasures responding to the current rising cyber risks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Authenticator Assurance Levels (AAL) framework offers a specific guidance on the implementation of adaptive security measures. The study is designed to put the "NIST AAL Adaptive Security Framework" into practice by using technologies such as Ping Federate and Ping Davinci systems for the timely risk analysis of IT environments and advanced MFA approaches against emerging threats. AAL model can define authentication procedures customized as per the level of risk, requirements and compliance regulations of the organization. It is essential to classify authentication into separate assurance level (AAL1, AAL2 and AAL3) as it helps to make modifications according to contextual factors like perceived risk and user's behaviour. This is vital as it enhances security while it optimizes user experience. This study examines the proposed framework’s efficacy in reducing cyber - threats and strengthening security posture of organizations.


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How to Cite

N’DOUBA, V. (2024). Nist Aal Adaptive Security Framework. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(10), 35–40.