Research on the Design of Arduino-based Interactivedevice for College Students' Emotional Healingdepartment Experience


  • Linyuan Hui North China University of Technology, Beijing, China
  • Bo Zhang North China University of Technology, Beijing, China
  • Chuanwen Luo North China University of Technology, Beijing, China



Healing experience design, Interactive installations, College students' emotional health, Arduino platform


This study explores the design strategy of the emotional healing experience interaction device for the emotional health problems of contemporary college students. With the help of common technical means in the field of emotional interaction research, utilizing the relevant research methods of interaction design, based on the Arduino platform, the design of the healing experience interactive device is studied from the dimensions of software and hardware, combining the visual, auditory, tactile and other channels of cross- feedback, and clarifying the experience design strategy of the emotional healing experience interactive device and the process of shaping a positive psychology, and finally displaying physical Finally, the physical product is demonstrated and the test feedback of actual experience is obtained[1]. The study will help to understand the emotional psychology and interactive needs of college users in time, and try to guide the positive development of their emotional state.


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How to Cite

Hui, L., Zhang, B., & Luo, C. (2024). Research on the Design of Arduino-based Interactivedevice for College Students’ Emotional Healingdepartment Experience. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(9), 21–25.