Universe and Life


  • Aloys Ojore Pandarakudiyil, Peruva-686610, Kottayam, Kerala, India




Newton, Einstein, Niels Bohr, Gravitation, Planetary rotation, Relativity


SPACE is primitive life, intelligence and the ultimate, blissful form of the Powerful Being, which has no particular shape. Life originates only from pre-existing Life. Two greatest mysteries- ‘life’ and ‘gravitation’ are interrelated. Space-realization is essential to find out the answer to both. The cause of gravitation is ‘space evacuation’ (space-entry or space feeding), which is a biological process caused by the Living Universe. All the particles are part of the Great Life of the Powerful Being and everything is inside it. Therefore, nothing in the universe is non-living; it is the local vision that causes the distinction. Every force is a contact force irrespective of whether it is perceptible or not. No space-time warp can cause a motion unless something is pushing or pulling. The local effects of forces should be judged against the tremendous motion every object is subjected to. In gravitation or magnetism objects are pushed by the most powerful entity, the space; but just like gravitation, the weakest of all forces that governs the universe, space remains hidden yet controls everything including DNA replication and propagation of electromagnetic waves.


‘Coming of Age in the Milky Way’ by Timothy Ferris (Anchor Books)

‘The Ascent of Science’ by Brian L Silver (OUP) and some other simple physics text book of students, Wikipedia etc.

Link to The New Space Concept:







How to Cite

Ojore, A. (2024). Universe and Life. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(9), 6–10. https://doi.org/10.53469/jrse.2024.06(09).02