Analysis of the Current Status of Patent for AI in Network Security Protection


  • Xiaoyi Xiao Patent Examination Cooperation Sichuan Center of the Patent Office, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610213, China



AI, Machine learning, Network security, Network attacks, Patent analysis


With the rapid development of information technology, the forms of cyber attacks have changed, making network security problems increasingly prominent. Artificial intelligence can better respond to threats by continuously learning from large amounts of data and making predictions and judgments. Applying artificial intelligence to network security protection is currently a hot research topic. This paper analyzes the application of artificial intelligence in network security protection from the perspective of patents. Based on the patent data retrieved, it analyzes the situation from multiple dimensions such as the overall situation of patents, the ranking of applicants, and the distribution of technologies, and provides corresponding suggestions based on the results to provide reference for innovative entities in related fields.


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How to Cite

Xiao, X. (2024). Analysis of the Current Status of Patent for AI in Network Security Protection. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(8), 48–51.