Analysis of Shoulder Rotation Range of Motion and Isometric Strength in Shoulder Pain Badminton Enthusiasts


  • Sumeng Wang Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College, Shanghai, 201815, China



Badminton enthusiasts, Rotator cuff strength, Rotator cuff ROM, Shoulder pain


Objective: To summarize the characteristics of shoulder injuries and shoulder pain in badminton enthusiasts and select subjects by information collection table, preliminary understanding the characteristics of shoulder injuries among badminton enthusiasts. Methods: Observation method, analyzing the results of information collection table, Range of motion (ROM) and muscular strength test. Conclusions: Shoulder joint injuries are mostly in dominant Side. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) varies 3 to 6. The external rotation (ER) ROM on the dominant side of the shoulder joint and the ratio of ER/internal rotation (IR) ROM on the non-dominant side of the shoulder joint in women are greater than those in men, and the shoulder rotation muscle strength in men is greater than that in women. The IR ROM on the painful side of badminton enthusiasts with shoulder pain is less than that of badminton enthusiasts without shoulder pain; The ER ROM on the painful side of men is greater than that of men without shoulder pain, but there is no difference in the ER ROM on the painful side of women. Shoulder pain in men may be related to increased ER ROM accompanied by limited IR, while shoulder pain in women is related to limited IR ROM and a larger ER/IR ratio. The ER/IR muscle strength ratio of the painful side in badminton enthusiasts with shoulder pain is smaller than that in badminton enthusiasts without shoulder pain, which may be related to the smaller ER/IR muscle strength ratio.


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How to Cite

Wang, S. (2024). Analysis of Shoulder Rotation Range of Motion and Isometric Strength in Shoulder Pain Badminton Enthusiasts. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(8), 42–47.