Research on Multi-modal Intelligent Navigation and AI+AR Display Design Theory


  • Jing Tong School of Architectural Engineering, Changsha Vocational and Technical College, Changsha 414000, Hunan, China; College of Art and Design, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Shiyan 442002, Hubei, China
  • Tingkui Ren College of Art and Design, Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Shiyan 442002, Hubei, China



Multi-modal intelligent navigation, AI+AR display construction, Design, Theoretical research


The multi-modal intelligent navigation and AI+AR display construction space art system is a rational and logical system, and its design and construction form is open logic, and it maintains an inclusive position in the structural organization and order generation of the design connotation system. As an important branch of the field of modern art, multi-modal intelligent navigation and AI+AR display art space, as an important branch of modern art, aims to integrate artworks, audiences and the cultural meaning behind them through space planning and design, creating a unique and in-depth artistic experience. In this field, many outstanding artists and theorists have put forward their unique insights and works, which have greatly enriched the theory and practice of exhibition art space.


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How to Cite

Tong, J., & Ren, T. (2024). Research on Multi-modal Intelligent Navigation and AI+AR Display Design Theory. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(8), 38–41.