Quantum Collaboration: Pioneering the Frontier of Enhanced Artificial Intelligence


  • Zouhair LAKHYAR (IAPT, IPS, MTA, ASI, ISEC) (India)




Quantum computing, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum - Enhanced AI, Machine learning, Quantum algorithms


Quantum - Enhanced Artificial Intelligence QAI merges the advanced capabilities of quantum computing with the sophisticated algorithms of artificial intelligence. This paper explores the current challenges in developing quantum algorithms and qubits, addressing issues of fidelity and scalability. It also examines the potential applications of QAI in various industries, including healthcare, cryptography, and optimization. This article also highlights the transformative potential of QAI, showcasing how the integration of quantum computing with AI can overcome current limitations in data processing and optimization, leading to groundbreaking advancements across multiple sectors.


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How to Cite

LAKHYAR, Z. (2024). Quantum Collaboration: Pioneering the Frontier of Enhanced Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering, 6(12), 88–91. https://doi.org/10.53469/jrse.2024.06(12).15