The Performance of Waste Marble Instead of Coarse Aggregate
Coarse Aggregate, Waste Marble, Compressive Strength, Reusing Materials, Sustainable, Waste StoneAbstract
Now a days we are faced with an important consumption and a growing need for aggregates because of the growth in industrial production, this situation has led to a fast decrease of available resources. On the other hand, a high volume of marble production has generated a considerable amount of waste materials; almost 70%of this mineral gets wasted in the mining processing and polishing stages which have a serious impact on the environment. The processing waste is dumped and threatening the aquifer. Therefore, it has become necessary to reuse these wastes particularly in the manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes. This experimental study presents the variation in the strength of concrete when replacing aggregates by waste marble from 0% to 100% in steps of 25%, 50%, 75% & 100%. M25 grade of concrete were taken for study of slump value is reducing for more % of replacing the stone dust. The compressive strength of concrete cubes at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days were obtained at room temperature. From test result it was found that the maximum compressive strength is obtained only at 50% replacement of coarse aggregate by waste marble at room temperature. This result gives a clear picture that waste marble can be utilized in concrete mixtures as a good substitute for coarse aggregate giving higher strength.
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