Mapping Irrigation Infrastructure and Potential of the Upstream Penganga Irrigation Project Using Cartosat Satellite Data


  • Grace Laltlinzo
  • Teresia Kathure Murungi



Irrigation, Agriculture, Geospatial Techniques, Remote Sensing, GIS, Cartosat - 1


The present study has been conducted with an aim of assessing irrigation potential created in Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program through mapping of irrigation infrastructure using Cartosat (2.5 m resolution) satellite data. This study deals with results of satellite data analysis of Upper Penganga irrigation project. The original satellite data in Geo - tiff format were converted into ERDAS Imagine image format In addition to the canal network, the associated irrigation and drainage structures were also identified and inventoried. The digital map base for the study area with rivers/streams, roads/rail, and villages, etc. using high resolution data is prepared and used further for preparing map outputs. The shortage in length is mostly due to pending gaps in middle and tail reaches. It is observed that the majority of the pending canals and canal gaps with pending reaches were found among Chalgani Branch Canal and Bramhangaon distributary under ILBC and Bhategaon Branch Canal under IRBC. The irrigation potential has been assessed using the irrigation infrastructure derived from the Cartosat data analysis. Based on the assessment of physical progress, the overall irrigation potential created in the Upper Penganga project assessed as 13, 198 ha. as against the proposed irrigation potential of 24, 622 ha. Thus, the balance irrigation potential yet to be created is estimated as 11, 424 ha. The balance irrigation potential yet to be created under ILBC is 7, 054 ha and under IRBC is 4, 369 ha. The irrigation potential balance which is to be created is distributed mostly among Chalgani branch canal (5, 227 ha), Bramhangaon distributary (1, 042 ha) under ILBC and Kayadhu branch canal (2, 233 ha), Bhategaon branch canal (1, 361 ha) under IRBC. The field reported irrigation potential created and balance irrigation potential are 14, 543 ha. and 10, 072 ha. respectively. The total balance irrigation potential assessed from Cartosat study is lower (1, 351 ha.) than reported by field reported. This is mainly due to pending reaches and their offtake connectivity to parent canals in spite of majority of the canal lengths being physically completed.


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How to Cite

Laltlinzo, G., & Murungi, T. K. (2024). Mapping Irrigation Infrastructure and Potential of the Upstream Penganga Irrigation Project Using Cartosat Satellite Data. Journal of Progress in Civil Engineering, 6(9), 29–35.