Tourism as an Effect of Transculturation in the Municipality of San Martin de las Piramides, A Perspective of Cultural Shock


  • Pydi Raja Kumar Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM Valle de Teotihuacán, Cerrada Nezahualcóyotl S/N, Sto. Domingo Aztacameca, Estado de México
  • Swaroop Paul Kumar



cultural heritage, transculturation, tourism, culture shock and identity


The purpose of this research is to show the changes that the local community of the municipality of San Martín de las Pirámides has presented in the face of the circumstances generated by the implementation of tourist activity as a development strategy, through a documentary study of cultural diversity in Mexico, the value of cultural heritage and transculturation as an effect of tourist activity, as well as offering a perspective of cultural shock about the change that tourism has brought about, contributing to the awareness of the population about the importance of conserving their cultural heritage. The development of the research has been oriented from a hypothetical deductive approach in relation to the effects of transculturation that have occurred in the municipality of San Martín de las Pirámides where tourism activity has been implemented, with the purpose of promoting the adoption of cultural roots by the local community as part of their identity.




How to Cite

Kumar, P. R., & Kumar, S. P. (2024). Tourism as an Effect of Transculturation in the Municipality of San Martin de las Piramides, A Perspective of Cultural Shock. Journal of Global Economy, Business and Finance, 6(8), 60–69.