Effective Poverty Reduction Strategies Using Fragmented Data for Low-Income Economies
data driven innovation, poverty reduction, data analysis, climate change, AI in policymakingAbstract
OECD states, "Data - driven innovation is a key pillar in the growth of the economy… data sets are becoming an important asset in the economy, helping new industries, processes, and products and creating significant competitive advantages. " In the global pursuit of economic growth and societal progress, data - driven innovation has become a foundational pillar in the 21st century. This paper explores the intersection of data - driven innovation and poverty reduction, highlighting how comprehensive data analysis—from surveys and censuses to administrative records - provides critical insights into the complex landscape of poverty. The paper talks about traditional and modern data collection and analysis and the impact of real - world analytics on poverty alleviation. The paper also sheds light on how climate change and poverty are interlinked and how data can help mitigate climate change. It also touches upon the rise of AI and how it can transform policymaking as we know it.
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