Research on the Non Copyright and Copyright Infringement Regulations of Artificial Intelligence Painting


  • Jiayi Guo Shandong University of Technology, Shandong, China



Artificial intelligence, Copyright, Copyright infringement


Artificial intelligence has surpassed its instrumental role in content generation, playing the role of creators, and this is also true in the field of painting. With the maturation of artificial intelligence painting technology, the generated paintings are not only difficult to be protected by copyright, but there are also significant infringement risks that cannot be ignored in the process of obtaining and utilizing the works of others. Specifically, artificial intelligence painting lacks the rationality of obtaining copyright protection due to its characteristics of low originality, fragmented expression, and semi creation. This article takes the non copyright ability of artificial intelligence painting as the research core, and based on the analysis of the current research situation, elaborates on the issue of copyright infringement in artificial intelligence painting.


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How to Cite

Guo, J. (2024). Research on the Non Copyright and Copyright Infringement Regulations of Artificial Intelligence Painting. Journal of Global Economy, Business and Finance, 6(6), 21–26.