Research on Learning Motivation for Project-Based Learning in Online Art Education: A Qualitative Study in A Higher Vocational College
Project-based learning, Online learning, Learning motivation, Art classroom, Higher vocational collegeAbstract
With the extensive integration of Internet technology and intelligent applications, online education has become the new normal of modern education. As a teaching strategy that emphasises student initiative and deep participation, project-based learning (PBL) has also been increasingly valued and widely used. Based on self-efficacy theory, this study adopts a qualitative research method to explore the motivation of art and design students in higher vocational colleges under the online PBL mode, to examine students' understanding and adaptation to the online PBL mode, and to analyse the advantages, difficulties and challenges of students in the PBL learning process. In addition, how PBL shapes students' perceptions of learning and career aspirations is also the focus of this study. Teachers' supportive role is crucial for optimising teaching strategies and improving the quality of education. This study provides suggestions for strategies to improve students' motivation and future career development in higher vocational art education, as well as a theoretical basis for pedagogical reform and student support services in art programmes.
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